Home » Shop » Control Smell and Insect Vectors at Landfills, Ecoclean-9500

Control Smell and Insect Vectors at Landfills, Ecoclean-9500

Original price was: ₹1,800.00.Current price is: ₹1,700.00.kg

Organic reagent for controlling bad odor in putrefying garbage. Simultaneously controls the proliferation of mosquitoes and flies, Eliminating all harmful, disease-causing bacteria.

Ideal for garbage dumping yards, compactor trucks, etc



Control Smell Pollution and Insect Vectors at Garbage Dumps and Landfills. Ecoclean – 9500 is a proprietary organic reagent exclusively developed after decades of intensive research to bring about an end to the menace of smell pollution caused by decomposing garbage at garbage dumps and landfills and the problem of insect vectors like mosquitoes and flies.

Dilution – 1:20. One kg of Ecoclean-9500 can be used on 7 tons of garbage


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Weight 1 kg
